I love to share exceptional food, dining, and travel experiences with my readers. Whether it’s around the kitchen table, out on the town, or on a special vacation, food brings people together like nothing else. Chicken Soup with Dumplings is all about helping people create fun, memorable experiences with food that strengthen relationships and forge memories.
I’m always on the lookout for new products, easy and delicious recipes, and unique dining opportunities that my subscribers and followers will love. Here are some of the brands I’ve worked with in the past.
- Fresh Express
- Family Traditions Beef
- Otto’s Naturals
- Yasso Frozen Greek Yogurt
- Seattle Sutton’s Healthy Eating
- And many more!
Here are some of the ways that I enjoy partnering with brands that represent the fun, memory-making experiences that food brings to people everywhere.
- Sponsored Posts
- Affiliate Marketing
- Event Coverage
- Social Media Campaigns
- Brand Ambassadorship
- Sponsored Restaurant, Resort, and/or Destination Visits
I’m always open to new concepts and opportunities as well. If you have an idea that isn’t listed here, just let me know. I’d love to discuss it with you. I truly look forward to working with you and your brand!
For more information on any of the above, including availability and rates, please email me at carolyn@chickensoupwithdumplings.com.