Click and Grow Smart Garden 9 is an innovative way to garden in small spaces or urban dwellings.

Planting Click and Grow Smart Garden 9


Setting up a Smart Garden is as simple as growing the plants themselves! Its clean lines and contemporary design bring beauty and function together in your home. The Smart Garden is easy to assemble, with each component clearly marked for easy identification and construction. Clear, concise directions guide users through the assembly process with text and images. You’ll be ready to start growing fresh and healthy herbs, greens, and fruits just ten minutes after you open the box!

It's easy to set up the Click and Grow Smart Garden.

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What is the Click and Grow Smart Garden?

The Click and Grow Smart Garden is a hydroponic indoor gardening system that allows you to grow beautiful plants easily in your home. There are several different garden systems in a variety of sizes. The numbers that differentiate the systems pertain to the maximum number of plants that each garden holds, from 3 to 54. I purchased Smart Garden 9, which is their best-seller.

Smart Gardens are ideal for people who long to garden, but don’t have the space, time, or climate to garden outside. It’s perfect for urban living or small living spaces since it’s compact. And it’s a godsend for people like me who really want to be gardeners, but who manage to kill off everything they try to grow.

And Smart Gardens are so easy to maintain! I don’t have to worry about weeds, bugs, or getting out to water every day. Plus, I can garden year-round. It’s been so fun to grow (and eat) food from my own little garden. I finally feel like I’ve got a green thumb!

Assembling the Smart Garden 9 is easy!

Is it Hard to Assemble?

Not at all!

The Click and Grow company has gone above and beyond to ensure that their products are easy to put together. You won’t find vague, wordless diagrams with arrows everywhere that leave you scratching your head in this box!

If you’re mechanically minded, you’ll love the easy directions that are printed on the inner upper box flap. The parts are labeled and lettered, and an easy-to-understand diagram shows where each piece goes. Check it out below!

Mechanically-minded people will love the easy directions printed on the top box flap.

If you need a little more guidance than the upper flap is able to give, you are my people! I loved the instructions included in the little Smart Garden 9 instruction booklet. Not only are they well-written, but the diagrams clearly show what needs to go where. It almost felt like a friend jotted down their notes for me!

Are you ready to put together your own Smart Garden 9? You can order one here!

The instruction booklet pairs diagrams with text to clearly outline how to assemble your indoor garden.
Friendly instructions help users assemble their new Smart Gardens.

What Tools are Needed for Assembly?

None! Can you believe it?

Everything is specially designed to slide together without tools. There’s no stripped screws, no lost washers, and no frustration. To top it all off, each part is labeled and color coded so you can be confident that you’re putting it together correctly.

Each part is labeled and color coded to make assembly super easy.

How Do I Put the Smart Garden 9 Together?

Start by removing each part from the box. Set the base on a solid surface.

Slide each arm into the correct slot in the base. Side “B” has a groove on the outer surface for the cord, but side A is flat. Press each arm down until it clicks into place.

Slide the arm onto the base until it clicks.

Next, position the lamp so it is parallel with the base. Slide the arms into the receptacles on either side of the lamp.

Slide the ends of the lamp onto the arms.

Then, gently press the cord into the groove.

Press the cord into the groove.

You can choose to have the cord positioned toward the front or back of the garden system by slipping it into the correct notch at the bottom of the base.

Notches allow you to choose which way you'd like your cord to run.

Now it’s time for the fun part: planting! Open your pack of plant pods so it’s ready. Then remove a plant cup and take off the top. (Don’t pull or cut the long white tab off the cup. You’ll need it!)

Don't remove the white tab from the cup!

Remove a Smart Soil pod from the three-pack and drop it into the cup. Replace the lid.

Drop a pod into the cup and replace the lid.

Press the planted cup into the garden base.

Replace the pod in the base.

Place a clear dome over the planted pod. Leave the dome over the plant cup until the seed sprouts. Now is a great time to write the name of the plant on the tab, too. If it doesn’t sprout, Click and Grow will replace it for free!

Add a label and a plastic dome.

Do the same with all the other pods. And that’s it!

Planting is quick and easy!

Plug in your garden, then fill the water tank. The water receptacle is on the opposite end of the garden from the cord. Fill it until the float is level with the surface of the garden.

Fill with water until the float rises to the top.

How Do I Turn the Lights Off?

The Smart Garden 9 is programmed with an automatic light cycle. It is activated once it is plugged in. The lights will stay on for 16 hours, then turn off for 8 hours.

We got up early one day to plug our garden in so the lights would turn off around 9:30pm. You could also unplug it at night and plug it in again the morning.

If that’s too much of a hassle for you, you’d love the Smart Garden 9 Pro. This new model gives you more control over the lights. Touch control allows you to turn the lights on or off with a literal wave of the hand! You can also control the lights with an app, so you can change your plant’s lighting while you’re at work or away for the weekend.

The whole family loves taking care of our Smart Garden

How Do I Purchase a Smart Garden?

Just head over to the Click and Grow website to order your own Smart Garden. With such a variety of sizes, there is something for everyone, whether you’re living in a small space or have plenty of room to grow.

While you’re there, check out their blog for tips and tricks about gardening with your new Smart Garden!

Learn How to Get Started with the Smart Garden 9
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Chicken Soup with Dumplings

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